> Gjakova
Gjakova (pronounced: Jah-ko-vah') is situated in western
Kosova. It is a town with around 60,000 people, situated
on the banks of the river Erenik, in the proximity of
the Mal'sia e Gjakov's (Mountainside of
Gjakova), the largest part of which is in the territory
of Albania.

A view of Gjakova |
Gjakova is a Kosova town with a somewhat combined oriental
and modern appearance. The old shopping center situated
near the old mosque and the Grand Dervish Ritual Hall
(Tekia e Madhe) is full of quaint old shops
and crafts workshops.

Traditional architecture of Gjakova - old and
The center of the town has been rebuilt with a new
hotel, the Pashtrik Hotel, and several shopping centers
and the large "Agimi" department store.

A busy market day at the ,arshia

A feudal house in Gjakova

The trade center